"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth." (Acts 1:8)

We believe Jesus calls us to participate in His Mission, both "near and far."  On this page of our website, we'll include updates and information about the mission work & missionaries we support, both domestically and internationally.

In this YouTube video, Pastor Brent Smith, of LCMS Mission Central, shares the stories of two of our missionaries (described in more detail below). 

Phillip Magness, Missionary to Africa

As a professional church musician, Mr. Phillip Magness serves as a half-time missionary and music instructor, assisting our partner churches in French-speaking West Africa. 

Spring 2020 Newsletter

Phil's Page on the LCMS Website

Adoption Agreement Form for Supporting Phil

Rachel Krause, Missionary to Germany

As a new LCMS missionary in 2020, Rachel is deploying to Leipzig, Germany to care for the many Middle Eastern refugees who are being cared for by our partner church in Germany.

Rachel's Page on the LCMS Website

Adoption Agreement Form for Supporting Rachel

District Mission Partners

Our LCMS South Wisconsin District has several mission partners, both in Wisconsin and internationally. Through our congregation's financial support of our District, we are helping to further the work of the Gospel to neighbors both in our state and in countries such as the Dominican Republic. Here are links to several mission areas:

Free at Last - Prison Ministry

Ministry in the Dominican Republic

LCMS South Wisconsin District Homepage
